Here at Logues, we have a wide selection of ladies handbags to choose from. Our collection of handbags are made by designers such as Rieker, Emis and Gabor. We’ve got a whole range of different types of handbags including small clutches and larger shoulder bags.
All the handbags we stock are made from high-quality materials and are the perfect accessory to any outfit.
Take a look at all the bags we have to offer here at Logues.
I bought a pair of Nordika slippers for my husband for Christmas. I had to let him try them on to ensure the correct fit and it was a battle to get them back to put away for Christmas. He is over the moon with them. So comfortable and so well made. A super present. Thank you so much for such a speedy delivery also
I am very happy with this bag. I bought it to go with the matching Bioeco shoes for a wedding. It is very nicely made with detachable hand and shoulder straps.
Also, excellent service from Logues!